Seeds may become more valuable than GOLD in an economic collapse...
The Family Preparedness Seed Vault
Plant 2+ acres preparedness garden TODAY!
or store it for YEARS! (7+)
35 Varieties
Over 100,000 seeds
Over 2.8 LBs of seeds
Highest SEED COUNT for the money
Selected by EXPERTs for highest nutrition
Sealed in Mylar Pouches & Air-tight Bucket
Freshest seeds from this years harvest
EXPERT instructions for maximum success
100% American grown, Non-GMO, Non Hybrid

The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™
Over 2 Acres | 100,000 Seeds
2.8LB of seeds in water/air-tight Vault. More survival seeds for your money.
Feed your family and friends this year
and into the future with 100% NON HYBRID (Open Pollinated) Seeds. You MUST use non-hybrid seeds in order to save seeds from your crops for future planting.
The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ is moisture-reduced for long term storage according to USDA developed methods. Twice the shelf life of other "patriot" seeds.
-More than 100,000 Seeds
-More than 2.8 pounds
-Comes in resealable bucket
-Varieties chosen for your SURVIVAL by seed experts
Order now for food independence and security
Why should you buy the Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ from
Heirloom Organics Non-Hybrid Seeds?

The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ and other Seed Packs from Heirloom Organics are prepared for long term storage, stored in resealable pails and shipped within 2 days of your order.
- Long Term Storage Processed (USDA Method).
7 Years storage
- We use a specific 4 hour process for reducing moisture prior to sealing. This USDA-developed preperation method doubles the storage life of most seed varieties.
- 35 Varieties chosen for nutrition and proper garden layout
- Our seed experts focus on varieties like leafy greens, for example, because of short growing cycle, rather than tomatoes which require a very long growing period.
- 2.83 Pounds of Net Weight SEED (seeds only, not packaging materials.)
- 102,529 Seed Count. (1⁄10 ¢ per seed)
- Sealed against moisture with inner 6mil bags and resealable pails. Open, inspect the contents, plant some this year and store the rest. You can even bury it, if you choose. The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ is 100% moisture proof.

- We are a seed company, EXCLUSIVELY. We distribute nothing but seeds; Non-Hybrid (Open Pollinated) seeds. Our focus allows us to provide the best selection of seed varieties for nutrition and garden layout, the best quality and price of seeds possible, direct to you.
- State-LICENSED seed distributor. As a licensed seed dealer, Heirloom Organics has the skill and knowledge to select the RIGHT varieties for your survival garden.
- Shipping Seeds since 1997. Our owners have been in Organics for over 30 years and shipping seeds for over 16 years! Just seeds. No books, tapes, radio shows, or other solutions. We consider it our patriotic duty to
focus on seeds, ONLY SEEDS. As a result we provide our customers with the highest quality and most seed for the money, by count AND weight (net seed weight of course)
- Largest Growing Guide on the internet. Because Heirloom Organics has 30 years experience in Organic Gardening and is a seed specialist, we provide you with the largest, searchable growing guide in the world! FREE! It's online and everyone has access to it.

This seed pack is processed for long term storage according to the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) methods for maximum shelf life, increasing the shelf-life of our seeds by many years. Heirloom Organics is the only supplier of seeds that has studied and implemented these methods developed by the USDA. No other seeds available today incorporate these advanced methods for seed packaging and storage. The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ is truly the food source of tomorrow, packaged with advanced storage methods today.
Each Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ has a total of 35 varieties of NON-HYBRID seeds. Also included are detailed online growing instructions for each variety which includes helpful information on harvesting of seed stock for the following year in a survival situation.
Order 2 today and get FREE SHIPPING plus Discount
Each Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ Contains These
Hand Picked, Open Pollinated Varieties:
35 Nutritious Varieties |
Asparagus 100 seeds |
Green Beans 408 seeds |
Among the earliest crops in spring, plantings of this hardy perennial can last for decades if well cared for. |
Beans are easy to grow & delicious in the pod, (early) fresh shelled, (mid-season) or dry shelled (late-season). |
Beets 640 seeds |
Broccoli 2,000 seeds |
Easy-to-grow beets produce tasty roots for baking,
boiling or sautéing and fresh greens to boil or steam. |
Broccoli is grown for its edible, immature flower heads. It contains high levels of antioxidants. |
Brussels Sprouts 2,000 seeds |
Cabbage (2 types) 6,000 total |
The sprouts look like
miniature cabbages and form where the leaves meet the stems. |
Cabbage is grown for its
head of leaves, which are eaten
raw or cooked. Grows well into winter & stores well. |
Cantaloupe 240 seeds |
Carrots4,800 seeds |
This sweet, succulent
member of the muskmelon family was prized by ancient Egyptians 1000s of years ago. |
Carrot is a hardy, cool-season biennial that is grown for the thickened root it produces in its first growing season. |
Celery4,375 seeds |
Collards 4,000 seeds |
The ribs of celery are crunchy and are often used to make soup or salad. It has a salty taste. |
Collard greens are highly nutritious staple green "cabbage-like leaves" vegetable. |
Corn 125 seeds |
Cucumber 128 seeds |
It's not hard to grow great-tasting corn, and you won't get it any fresher. |
Whether for pickling or slicing, cucumbers are easy to grow if you give them good soil, full sun and sufficient moisture. |
Eggplant 360 seeds |
Kale 1,875 seeds |
With their often large & purple or white blooms eggplants are ornamental enough to grow in the front yard! |
The tender young leaves
from these fast-growing
plants can be eaten raw, or cooked for soup & stir fries. |
Leaf Lettuce 16,800 seeds |
Bibb Lettuce 11,200 seeds |
Black-seeded Simpson Leaf Lettuce is the easiest-to-
grow, highly nutritious and versatile lettuce available. |
Bibb is an excellent source of necessary iron and vitamins E and C. Grows on window sills year-round. |
Romaine Lettuce 11,200 seeds |
Mustard Greens 3,000 seeds |
A favorite in Ceasar Salads. Fast growing. Eat as baby or full grown. Very nutritious. |
Excellent source of vitamins
& minerals & anti-oxidants. A
real superfood! Eat young
AND mature. |
Oats 13,500 seeds |
Okra 165 seeds |
Excellent for fibre, minerals and vitamins B, B2 and C. Cultivated for over 5000 yrs!
A staple of any survival garden. |
Okra is traditionally a southern U.S. plant that thrives in warm weather. It is easy to grow and use. |
Onion 500 seeds |
Peas 540 seeds |
A large-yielding heirloom variety that produces large sweet onions - sometimes weighing in excess of 1 LB |
Like corn, peas are at their tastiest immediately after harvest. They grow best during spring & early summer. |
Pepper 320 seeds |
Pumpkin 56 seeds |
The standard bell pepper for many decades is still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell you can grow. |
With fertile soil and a long enough growing season, it's easy to grow your own Jack -o-lanterns |
Radish 650 seeds |
Spinach 825 seeds |
Easy to grow and ready to harvest in just 3 to 6 weeks. Winter varieties produce
large, fall-harvested roots. |
This nutritious, cool-season crop is among the first
greens ready to harvest, but it's
quick to turn bitter. |
Squash 68 seeds |
Swiss Chard 375 seeds |
Winter squash allow you to have fresh grown vegetables from your garden well into
the winter months. |
Grown for its tasty and nutritious leaves, chard is a good substitute for spinach
in most recipes. |
Beefsteak Tomato 625 seeds |
Roma Tomato 625 seeds |
The most popular garden vegetable crop, tomatoes come in a wide range of
sizes, shapes and colors. |
The Roma is a disease-
resistant tomato that makes
it widely available & popular with home gardeners. |
Turnip 4,430 seeds |
Watermelon 60 seeds |
Spring turnip crops are best harvested while the weather
is still cool. The flavor is improved by light frost. |
Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a
very good source of vitamin
A. Thirst quenching fruit. |
Wheat 10,440 seeds |
Zucchini 99 seeds |
Wheat is the world's largest cereal-grass crop. Its status
as a staple is second only to rice. |
A variety of squash having an elongated shape and a
smooth, thin, dark green
rind. Taste great in salads. |
You will notice that we are VERY PARTICULAR in our cholce and counts of varieties. We provide a LOT of leafy greens (over 1 acre) because these varieties allow you to begin harvesting and eating within 20 days of planting. Absolutely necessary for a survival garden. So, for example, if you had a “survival” seed pack made mostly of tomatoes, this could be disastrous since tomatoes take the longest of any vegetable to produce food (months). Our seed specialists choose your varieties with planning and experience, so you can rest assured your family will be cared for.
- Easy to grow vegetables
- Grows everywhere (most varieties)
- Year-round growing (indoor and out)
- Window/container varieties for tight spaces (city, rooftop, balcony)
- Leafy varieties (eat young or mature)
- Highest nutrition in least amount of space
- Cost just pennies per pound
- Save Seeds from this year to plant next year... FOREVER!
- Hundreds of pounds of fresh vegetables
- Eat greens and roots from the same plants, year- round (Beets & Turnips)
*Important: We are in a very real non-hybrid seed shortage. Carrots and cucumbers are becoming scarce as you read this and many vegetables will follow by mid to late Spring.
Now you can grow your Survival Garden for bountiful harvest anywhere in the country. Chosen for varieties that will grow in all zones.
If the economy worsens, one of the first things to be affected will be our country’s food supply. causing soaring prices and severe shortages. Without the ability to grow your own food next year, your family may be in danger. The food distribution supply system is only 3 days, which WOULD LEAVE STORE SHELVES EMPTY in the event of a supply crisis.
What will your
family eat
grocery store
are empty? |
Grow your own
Grocery Store!
Can You Take Charge Of Your Family’s Food Supply?
Could you feed your family for a year, 2 years or more from your garden if you had to? Do you have enough seeds to plant a survival garden to feed your family? Do you have the right kind of seeds? Can you save the seeds from your harvest to plant next year?
Here is what you need to do right now….
First, you need to know that if things were to get bad your family will still eat. You have enough non-hybrid seeds to plant more than 2 acres. This could mean the difference between thriving and starving. Think about it…your family. Thriving because you have the Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ of Non-Hybrid Seeds.
With our Family Preparedness Seed Vault™, (trusted since 1997) growing your own survival garden becomes easy. Be assured, our seeds are not hybrid or genetically modified. You save your harvest seeds from this year and have more than enough to plant next year. You never have to buy seeds again! Not possible with hybrid or GM (genetically modified) seeds.
Non-hybrid seeds are becoming scarce as you read this.
Prices have already gone up on cucumbers and carrots, with shortages nationwide. This Seed Vault WILL run out.
Buy this Seed Vault while you can... |
Buy the Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ now to ensure you get the MOST seed for your money. Once general shortages hit we will need to reduce the amount of seed we can supply with each vault.
Repeat, you will get the most seed for your money when you buy your Vault now.
$149 Until We Run Out!
The Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ produces thousands of pounds of nutrient-dense food for
pennies a pound.
So… all in all… you're saving $111.00 off the full price… and you get access to our extensive online growing guide FREE.
Order now to ensure you receive yours!
You can also order by sending a check or money order to:
Heirloom Organics
1806 NW 6th St., Unit A
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Seeds $149
+ $16 Shipping
P.S. One last thing — I want to make SURE you understand how much you’re getting here. If you purchased these same seeds “retail” you could very well pay hundreds of dollars. That makes the Family Preparedness Seed Vault™ package a ridiculous bargain. For just $149.00 plus shipping, you get enough seeds to plant more than 2 acres survival garden! And… you’ll have confidence knowing that you and your family will be able to eat if the economic downturn continues to worsen. You’ll have the best germinating seeds available. Don’t wait another second — order online right now, while you’re thinking about it.
P.P.S. Remember… when these Family Preparedness Seed Vaults™ are gone, with the current seed shortage, we can’t guarantee enough non-hybrid seeds will be available to meet the current high demand.

Order TODAY, 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed